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Dr. John Rusin

Dr. John Rusin Brings You Pain Free Performance

Nirvana Water Sciences’ CEO, David Vanderveen, hosted internationally recognized strength coach, speaker, and writer Dr. John Rusin on his podcast, Kickasspirational.

Dr. Rusin has more than a decade of elite-level training experience and advanced degrees in both exercise science and physical therapy. Dr. Rusin has developed performance, regeneration, and aesthetics programs for some of the world’s best strength, power, and endurance athletes. His present and past client list includes MLB All-Stars, NFL All-Pros, Olympic Gold, Bronze and Silver Medalists, World-Record-Holding Powerlifters, Elite Bodybuilders and Figure Competitors, All-World IronMan Triathletes, and top professional athletes from eight of the major American professional sports leagues.

The conversation begins with Dr. Rusin discussing his initial path into the training industry, inspired by his mom and dad (a Dean of Health and Human Services and an Athletic Director, respectively). He recaps his collegiate baseball career and the elbow injuries that led to him initially digging deeper into preventative training. From there, he was on to a three and a half year Doctoral Physical Therapy program, several years in Southern California working with elite athletes on pain free training, and then to Beijing working in the Beijing Olympic Training Center for the Chinese Olympic Committee.

This all became the foundation of what Dr. Rusin now does, developing training programs and certifications for pain free performance. 

Dr. Rusin discusses the importance of proper exercise programs that are specific to each individual. He notes that you can find great success without this taking over your life. Just an hour a few times a week can do the trick in most cases. He mentions that after six to eight weeks with the right program, people start to believe in what they are doing, see tangible results, and it now becomes a part of their lifestyle and something they can depend on.

Dr. Rusin goes into some nutrition and diet insights and his daily schedule and regiment. They finish the discussion talking about the importance of building and maintaining lean muscle mass and how this becomes especially crucial as we age.

Listen in for more great insights on pain free performance!


In addition to the podcast discussion, Dr. Rusin has provided some extra insights for Nirvana consumers.

Here is a look at Dr. Rusin’s “5 Principles of PAIN-FREE Training” and his “5 Ways to get SHREDDED this Fall”.

5 Principles of PAIN-FREE Training

1. Empower Lives Through Movement

2. Prioritize Progressive Strength

3. Develop all Physical Traits for Life

4. Train all 6 Movement Patterns

5. Never Skip the Warm Up


5 Ways to get SHREDDED this Fall

1. Train BOTH Strength + Conditioning

2. Dial in a Custom Nutrition Plan

3. Increase Training ROI with Density

4. Prioritize Sleeping 8+ Hours per Night

5. Move More: Get 10k+ Steps per Day

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