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Patrick WIllis and David Vanderveen

For NFL legend Patrick Willis, greatness is all about mindset.

Nirvana Water Sciences’ CEO, David Vanderveen, hosted retired NFL middle linebacker, 7x pro bowl selection and Nirvana athlete affiliate and investor, Patrick Willis, on his podcast, Kickasspirational.

Willis shares stories about how different relationships in his life have helped build a hall of fame mindset. Being the oldest of eight children in a single parent household meant early responsibilities and leading the house. Although not traditional, he is grateful for the mentors he grew up with. His grandmother helped him grow into a man of faith, and his uncle taught him that if he put his mind to something and put the work in, anything would be possible.

Everything Willis did every day was to build his confidence with the dream of playing in the NFL. He shares that eventually “I think I can” turned into “I know I can.”

With Willis, it is all about mindset. “The mind is all, and the universe is mental.” He applied this mantra into his everyday life and to his football career. Willis discusses going from despising the 49ers to being drafted by them and the impact his relationship with Coach Singletary had on him, teaching him that you have to earn the right to be great, no one is going to give it to you.

Finally, they discuss Willis’ relationship with his body and how nutrition has impacted both his playing career and his post playing days. Now, a part of Willis’ mindset includes putting the best things in his body for optimal performance. This led him to Nirvana.

Willis is an investor in Nirvana and details why he loves the super ingredient, HMB (beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate). He states that HMB has improved his recovery time and the way his body feels. He feels whole. He says Nirvana Super™ gives him everything he needs in one bottle to make his body feel great and right.

A fun conversation with an all-time great!

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