The Best High-Protein Foods For Weight Loss

No matter what kinds of health and fitness goals you’re working towards, you’ve probably heard the same macronutrient being recommended again and again. Protein!  Protein is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle of our dietary...

5 Tips for Muscle Soreness & Recovery

You wake up in the morning, ready to start the day, when suddenly you get hit by a wave of muscle pain. You walk around, wondering why, when suddenly you remember your workout the day before. You’re experiencing...

8 Tips to Prevent & Ease Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps can be painful and slow you down, whether you’re in the gym or on the track, but the good news is you can prevent and ease the onset of muscle cramps with proper hydration and electrolyte-rich...

8 Tips to Prevent & Ease Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps can be painful and slow you down, whether you’re in the gym or on the track, but the good news is you can prevent and ease the onset of muscle cramps with proper hydration and electrolyte-rich...

The Best Muscle Recovery Foods

Your hardworking muscles could use some nutrition and fuel after all the work that you do in the gym! Here are the nutrients that your muscles need the most after a workout — and where you can get...

How Much Protein Do You Need to Build Muscle?

Building muscle requires two key pieces: resistance training and adequate protein consumption.  But what does adequate really mean? In this blog, we’ll explain the science of muscle hypertrophy and help determine the right amount of protein you need...